Trying to find a faster way to upload my projects using my phone so hope the picture turns out good.
I wanted to find an alternative for Clorox wipes in the classroom and found this idea on Pinterest. I see parents use this system for baby wipes but knew I could use it for cleaning wipes. We use a lot of wipes in the classroom!
I bought some Seventh Generation disinfectant spray to use as the cleaner and using a Sterilite Ultra Latch 12.6 cup squared. If you cut the paper towel in half using a serrated knife it fits perfectly in this container. I put about 1 cup of cleaner and 1 1/2 cups of water to get all of the paper towel soaked. I am using the select a size generic paper towels. I am not fond of the scent but telling myself this is scent of saving money!
Now I am getting into digital scrapbooking and made the cleaning wipes tag using a kit I found free. I am always disappointed with the books I have done/not finished and this is might be the key for me to show off my photos and not just on Facebook. For my next cleaning wipes tag I will add a recipe and what product/ingredients I used.
After buying this cleaning spray I saw this great cleaning recipe that I will try. I already have the supplies to make it! Going to use this for the hedgehog cage because I know Clorox wipes are not the best option.
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